Glostavent® Helix
Key Features
Supplied with integral 10 LPM oxygen concentrator
Oxygen analyser that measures and displays % inspired oxygen concentration, last up to 300 hours on battery backup
Suitable for adults and paediatrics
Battery backup for ventilator with external oxygen source for more than 300 hours
Delivers safe inhalational anaesthesia, with or without electricity or compressed gases
Full functionality with UPS for up to 30 minutes
Integral pressure or volume controlled Helix ventilator
Ventilator backup for over 12 hours
Fitted with alternative connections for oxygen cylinders and wall pipeline
Low running costs – the Glostavent® Helix produces its own oxygen from room air. No need for expensive cylinders of gas
Designed and engineered and manufactured in the UK, robust and built to last
CE certified by an internationally recognised notified body
Specifications Glostavent® Helix
- Low Resistance: Yes
- Suitable for drawover and continuous flow: Yes
- Anaesthetic agent: Isoflurane/Halothane or Sevoflurane
- Capacity: 150ml
- Agent percentage: 0-5% (0-8% for Sevoflurane)
Ventilator function (Adult/paediatric)
- Mode of operation: Time cycled, volume limited, pressure generator
- Ventilator type: Pneumatic
- Drive gas: Driven by oxygen from the concentrator with cylinder back-up
- Tidal Volume: 100-1200ml
- Inspiratory/expiratory ratio: 1:2
- Alarms: High and low with LED indicators
- Operating temperature range: 5-40C
- Battery backup life: >300 hours
- Respiratory rate: 6 to 40 breaths/min
- Battery recharge: 90% within 3 hours
- Inspiratory pressure range: 8-50cm water
- Weaning/Pressure support: Triggered 1-5cm H2O
- Drive pressure/volume: >20psi: 1/6 minute volume
Manual ventilation
- Manual ventilation: Self-inflating bag
Oxygen Analyser
- Calibration: Atmospheric oxygen concentration of 20.95%, (room air)
- Measuring range: 0 - 100% oxygen concentration
- Response time: 90% in <10 sec, depending on temperature
- Battery backup: 300 hours
Integral Oxygen Concentrator
- Maximum litres of oxygen per minute at 95%: 10 l/pm
- Maximum litres of air: 10 l/pm
- Notification/warning systems: Audible failure alarm, low oxygen light
- Hours meter: Yes
- Power requirement: 590W
- PEEP: 0-20cm H20
Alternative oxygen supply option
- 4 bar regulator with connection for oxygen cyclinder: Yes
- 3 metre whip hose for pipeline oxygen: Yes
Emergency backup if power fails
- Full functionality with UPS for 30 mins including oxygen concentrator: Yes
- Compressor for ventilator backup, air only, more than 12 hours: Yes
- Battery backup for ventilator with external oxygen source: Yes - >300 hours
- Type: 2 KVA double on-line
- Circuit breaker: Yes
- Operating input range: 110-330 VAC 45?65Hz
- Power backup (mins): 30
Oxygen Flush
- Oxygen Flush: Yes
Scavenger for exhaled gas
- Scavenger for exhaled gas: Yes
Additional standard items
- Adult, paediatric and neonatal circuits: Yes, autoclavable
- Autoclavable drugs tray: Yes
- Workstation: Anodised aluminium with 4 antistatic castors and brakes
Patient Monitoring
- Patient Monitoring: Optional
Power supply
- Power supply: 230 VAC 50Hz
Machine dimensions and weight
- Machine dimensions and weight: 54 x 66 x 145cm 102kg
How it works

The Glostavent® Helix Anaesthesia Machine
A short video detailing the set up and use of the Glostavent® Helix Anaesthesia Machine...

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The SANSOM project for safe anaesthesia for Somaliland was born out of the collaboration of five international partners...
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